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A safe place for Spoofing Pokemon & Learning the ropes.


* Larry Thompson * Ann Marie * Jenette Serrano * Robin Wallace * Phillip Patrick Farnsworth * Nick Russell *



 *  Steph Kadis  *  Ashley Hendry  *  Jason Fisher  * Sarah Louise *

  • Rules

   ***Due to the overwhelming amount of posts containing raid coordinates. Posts containing these will be removed! Membership will be terminated***

1. Have fun, Spoof ON!

**NO Spam, Bait click, "ADFLY links, or any link containing or redirecting to the same"also
**NO Youtube Links
**NO Links to other groups.

**NO Links to messenger chats

**NO Links to WhatsApp group chats
(If you feel your link was within guidelines please let us know and we will authorise it.)
We appreciate those who report spam to us.

3. NO ADVERTISING! Posts will be deleted and you will be blocked. This includes other groups, pages or discords servers (if found advertising you will be removed)

4a. Any bullying, trolling, or fighting (arguments will be supervised) among members will not be tolerated, please just tag an admin/mod and then we'll help deal with it. Those who wish to troll know how to leave the group.
4b.No posting content from other groups to try and incite or encourage trolling of another group or person

5. Please keep language PG-13, swearing is used in everyday language for some people, but respect the fact that we have younger members, excessive swearing will result in a warning..and if continued a possible ban. (this includes inappropriate memes)

6. This is a Pokemon page, please keep all posts Pokemon related, we appreciate those who report spam to us.

7. Look out for your fellow members. We are all here to enjoy Pokemon, we all share a similar like so please refrain from being rude and ruining everyone's experience.

8. NO ACCOUNT SHARING! We cannot emphasize this enough. We have had members scammed. We do not tolerate those offering or requesting! If your account sharing please do not do it in view of our members. We have a trusted sellers link in the pinned post of verified sellers if you need to buy an account.

9. You are this group.. Your questions and answers will be as helpful to future members! So please feel free to share your thoughts as well as ours. This is all free information for the benefit of everyone.

10. No buying/selling of Accounts, this falls under the same guidelines as account sharing. we cannot allow it in the group. (we have a list of trusted sellers in our pinned post.)

11. Please remove all Coordinate posts after despawn, We understand the time constraint upon sharing such info, All coordinates are preferred under comments to similar posts.�

12. Please do not post screenshots containing your trainer name. Trainer names will be removed from the page.

13. DO NOT BLOCK ANY ADMIN! This will result into a removal.

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